Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So, Reed has been starting to get the hang of smiling lately and last night I finally got some picture proof of it. It's not his biggest, open mouth, ear to ear smile (which will just melt your heart) but it's super sweet all the same.
With a smile like that he'll be able to get away with a lot!

Reed likes wearing Daddy's favorite hat too.

He was none too happy about this hair style.

Dane didn't have to go into work yesterday either so he and Reed took a field trip to visit mom at work. What a nice surprise. My co-workers couldn't get enough of him and some of the students were even there to get a peak (I didn't pass him around too much since he's got a cold and didn't need to get any more germs). It was nice having them there for a bit and I'm glad that Dad and Reed had that chance to have a good guys day!
Reed's cold is a little better but he's still pretty stuffy. Praying for a possible snow day tomorrow! At the very least, enough snow on the ground means I don't have to be at work until 11am-just that much more time with the little bug. 


  1. Reed is just too sweet, Mallory. I think he looks like your dad in that last picture :) Hope you are doing well - it sounds like you are!

  2. Those are great pictures! He looks just like you in the first one, when he is smiling, and he looks just like Dane's baby pictures in the second one when he has the hat on. Miss him and you guys!
