Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stomach Flu Took Over

Wow! It's been a while since I last checked in with my many readers ;) I think I can safely blame that on the fact that the stomach flu completely invaded our household a week and a half ago. It was terrible. It started with Reed waking up around 12:30 on a Wednesday night (Thursday morning, really). He was a little fussy so Dane got up to give him his pacifier (no, we have not weened him off of it yet, and yes, I think that Dane and I may be more afraid/nervous/not looking forward to it than Reed...don't judge) and came back to bed. But, of course, since I had woken up I had to pee. I crawled out of bed and heard what I initially thought was the dog throwing up. I remember thinking "oh no...what's the dog doing in the baby's room...wait! (panic rising) I think that's Reed!" I ran into his room to see him on his knees with his face in the mattress just about to throw up. I sat him up so he wouldn't choke on anything. We gave him a bath, and then since Dane had already planned on taking Thursday and Friday off to hunt, he decided he'd sleep with him on the couch and stay home with him the following day. I went back to bed (totally unable to fall back asleep) and heard Dane running to the bathroom with Reed about 45 min later. This continued for about the next 4 hrs. Dane and I eventually gave up on trying to get any kind of sleep and I myself let my supervisor know I would be staying home. Reed stopped throwing up around 11am, but diarrhea followed for the next 3 days. It took him a full week to get his appetite back in full force.
As if that wasn't bad enough...I left work on Friday feeling like I was going to throw up. There wasn't any real indication that I was going to be getting sick. All of a sudden I felt hot and nauseous. I couldn't get a hold of Dane because his phone had died while he was out hunting and I didn't have a clear idea of when he would get home. By the time I got home with Reed I was down for the count. After about 2 hrs of me having to put Reed in his pack n' play and run into the bathroom and still no word from Dane, I finally broke down and called my dad. He came over to help me give Reed his dinner (which he was refusing), get him to drink Pedialite (which he was refusing) and put him to bed. About 15 mins after he arrived, Dane came busting through the door as pale as a sheet. As he was climbing out of the tree stand, the stomach bug hit him too.
I said it once, and I'll say it again...it was terrible. Thank goodness for family though. My Aunt Cindy babysat Reed all day Saturday so Dane and I could get some rest....2 days later she got sick too. This thing was no joke.
But, we're all feeling better now and everyone is back to their normal selves. Reed is officially a "walker" now which is super cute and exciting. I just love seeing his personality blossom each day. He's a pretty funny guy and probably has the best/cutest laugh ever. I mean that. Ever. He loves to eat. When he runs out of food, he cries. He really will eat anything. He likes being read to and has started bringing books over to me to read. It's super sweet. I love reading to him. I hope he develops a real love of reading like me and Dane. He always dances to the Jeopardy theme song. It's like something comes over him and he just has to move to the music, no matter what he's doing. He must be a genius. But that makes sense, right?
 Sick Reed.

The Jeopardy Jig 
(shift from one foot to the other and repeat).

To sum it all up: Reed is pretty awesome.