Tuesday, July 12, 2011

7 Months

I missed blogging about Reed's progress on his 7 month anniversary (July 2) so I will take some quick time to do it now.
In 7 short months Reed has...

Become an accomplished crawler. This kid is FAST! We have to keep eyes on him all the time.

Started pulling himself up on whatever he can...the crib, coffee table, couch, mommy, daddy...

Become quite the little talker. He makes the funniest noises and really makes a huge effort to be a part of our conversations. Once he starts really talking I don't think he's going to stop.

Started eating more solid foods (see last post) and added more solid foods to his daily schedule including an afternoon snack. Yumm-o.

Traveled to or through the following states: IL, IN, OH, WV, PA, CT, NJ, NY, DE and just about 2 miles shy of RI. So well traveled.

Gone to the pool...even went under water. We can't wait to go back!

Sprouted his 2 bottom teeth and started working on some more.

Graduated from the "baby bath tub" (of which he was starting to crawl out of) to the "big boy bath tub" in which he loves to splash around :)

And (for Uncle Tyler) started creepin'. He stared a hole in some girl on the ferry back from Fisher's Island...made her quite uncomfortable. It was rather hillarious.

...I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing. Just a couple of weeks ago when he stood up in his pack n play his eyes just made it over the edge, now his chin meets it. He'll be taller than me before I know it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Home Again, Home Again...

After a week and 2 days of vacation, we are finally home! Dont' get me wrong...vacation was great, but it's good to be relaxing on my couch at the moment :)
We departed for the great state of Pennsylvania last Friday at approximately 7:45 am. Dane, Pop, Reed and myself rode in Pop's car and my dad and Pat followed. The first day we drove about 6 hrs and ended in Dayton, OH at my Great Uncle George and Aunt Tish's house. They fed us and George shared stories of his and my Pop's childhood on the Island (Fisher's Island, NY...the whole reason for this epic trip up North). Day 2 involved about 8 hrs of travel and brought us to our destination for the next 2 days, Uncle John and Aunt Jeanne's house in PA. We spent a couple of days relaxing there (the girls going shopping, the boys visiting a Civil War POW camp in DE) and then headed to CT Wednesday morning. This was a 6 hr trip that landed us in Groton, CT. From here we explored the cemetery where my great grandparents are buried, visited my Pop's cousin George (there are a lot of George's in his family...), saw his G-pa's house in Mystic, CT, saw Mystic Pizza (didn't eat there though, George says the pizza's no good), toured the Submarine Museum, and then headed out to the Island. The Island is a 45 minute ferry ride that departs from New London, CT, however, Fisher's Island is part of New York.
I have heard stories of the Island growing up and really wanted to see it with my Pop as a guide so he could show me his old stomping grounds and tell me stories about what happened here and what happened there. His dad (my great g-pa) ran the grocery store on the Island. My Pop was 1 of 8 students who graduated in his high school class. The Island is 9 miles long and during my Pop's childhood also housed a military base (WWII). There is an East Side of the Island (summer houses for the rich and famous) and the West Side (regular folks). There are 2 golf courses (1 being in the top 10 best golf courses in the US) and a town triangle (Pop likes to say it's not big enough for a town square). I got to see the house he grew up in and the store my great g-pa had (no longer a grocery store, but still operating as a gift shop of sorts). We saw the golf course he worked on as a teenager and gained access to the private East Side of the Island to view the beautiful golf course and the ridiculous houses (people like the Simmons of Simmon's Mattress, DuPont's of DuPont paint and others own houses on this part of the Island). Pop's childhood friend, Mary Jean, met us on the Island and gave us our own private tour. She had a ton of pictures and even showed us one of Nancy Dow, Jennifer Aniston's mom, who was a grade younger than her in school on the Island. Pretty cool. I'm so glad we were able to go.
Reed was such a trooper during all of that traveling. He had a lot of "firsts" too. He ate cheerios, peaches, green beans, corn on the cob (don't worry, the corn was off, it was just the bare cob) and watermelon. Oh, and Papa spoiled him and shared his ice cream. He created a monster.
We had only 1 scary moment...and boy was it scary. Reed choked on a Cheerio while we were driving around Groton. I mean really choked...no coughing, no breathing, eyes wide in panic choked. I won't go into all the gory details (more for myself than for you), but Dane acted fast and squeezed his stomach (not proper protocol but you can't give back blows when a baby is in a car seat!) and dislodged the offending cheerio. Suffice it to say Reed will not be eating hard solid food until he is at least 10.
Now for pictures!

Reed and Papa at Fort Deleware

Reed and Daddy at Ft. Deleware

Reed Loves Watermelon!!!

He's mastered crawling and moved on to standing !!!

Just chillin' on the Ferry

Fourth of July Baby

4 Generations of Lamb's on Fisher's Island.

Waiting for the Ferry back to the mainland

Tired travelers.

All in all a great trip...too bad Reed won't remember any of it. Guess that just means we'll have to go back!