Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer So Far

We're half way through the summer now so I figured my loyal readers are probably itching for an update on how it's been so far.

Reed and I have been having a lot of fun. We took a 4 week class at the Botanical Gardens called Little Sprouts. The class is for 2-3 year olds. Each week we explored a different habitat in the Gardens. We explored ponds, the forest, the prairie, and vegetable gardens! The kiddos were invited to participate in making a craft each week that went a long with the habitat as well. We were also sent home with 2 different plants and some lettuce to grow. Reed seemed to enjoy it and still sings the class song from time to time.

Reed is the kind of kid that needs to be doing. He can't just sit around the house for too long without going a bit crazy and he also thrives on routine, so that's challenged me to be a bit creative. Every morning we leave the house around 8am to run to the park. Once there, Reed gets to play on the playground for 30-45 minutes before we run back home. At home we play outside in the grass with some trucks or color on the front porch (on paper with crayons, and other times the actual porch with chalk). Sometimes, if it's too hot, we'll do a craft in the house (Reed made Dad a pretty cool painting for Father's Day). I also take Reed grocery shopping with me and he's a pretty good little helper. Thankfully, my busy mornings are usually rewarded with a 2-3 hour break each afternoon as Reed naps (and let's be honest...sometimes I do too). 

We've also been to the zoo with some friends (where I almost lost Reed...terrifying), out to lunch with Pop, to Dad's office, and to the movie theater. Future plans include a trip or two to Uncle Tyler's pool, the children's garden at the Botanical Gardens, a play date with some good friends, and a weekend with Papa and Pat while Dad and I take a short trip to Chicago. 

Reed is currently really enjoying getting to watch a couple episodes of The Magic School Bus or Busytown Mysteries each day. He likes to have me read, "Grandma Rhonda's book" at least once each morning and he is super interested in trucks of any kind. He loves to help dad with yard work and help me with vacuuming. 

Reed is working on mastering his colors right now. You'll roll your eyes, but there was a time when I feared he might be color blind. My fear was not unfounded though as Dane's gpa was color blind and Reed catches on to everything else so quickly. However, I believe that we've recently had a breakthrough. Last week I started to really pump the colors into like everything I said with Reed, "Look at the red truck." "Wow, the grass sure is green." "Your shirt is blue today." Then, I upped the anty. His dessert this week was 10  M n M's. Before he ate them I would say what color they were and ask him to help me. We've gotten to a point where Reed is able to point to the color if we ask him to, but his confidence wanes a bit when asked to say what color something is. He usually goes to his default answer..."Pink!" So, we're like half way there. He can identify the color when asked to point to it but doesn't always get it right when asked to tell you what color something is. Progress!

Now for some pics:

 Yard work with Dad.


 Movie theater.

 Botanical Gardens.

 Coffee and crossword.

 Dad and his awesome painting.

 Lunch with Pop.

 Best donuts around.

Grandma Rhonda's book.