Friday, May 20, 2011

1 Week Post-Op

We had Reed's 1 week post-op appointment yesterday and the Doctor was really please with what he saw. His left eye is still turning in slightly, but the doc says that it can take 3-4 months for the muscles to straighten out so he isn't worried about it. We'll go back in August and hopefully it won't be turning in anymore. His eyes are almost back to normal now and we can stop the eye cream (which Reed just LOVED getting each morning and night).  Awesome :)

I asked the doc if his vision was immediately improved and he said that while there is no way of them knowing for sure, he is convinced that in his patients under 1 year it must be. He said that he has heard too many times parents reporting that it's like the "lights were turned on" for him not to believe it's immediate. Pretty cool. I know Reed seems much more alert and smiley :)

Dane and I are getting really good at spotting when Reed's getting an ear infection. This time we got him in to see the doctor before it was full-fledged and still in the start-up phase. He's had so many ear infections that this time they did not prescribe Amoxicilan but instead a more powerful antibiotic that says under common uses "used to treat recurring ear infections." Hope it does the trick. The doctor warned it may cause diarrhea...not really sure if that would be better than just waiting the ear infection out or not. So, staying positive and hoping for the best. Poor kid. Just can't catch a break.

This pic is just too funny not to share. Taken the evening after his surgery, Reed is actually in the midst of smiling and laughing, but with his red eyes and crazy hair looks like he's possessed. I assure you, he is not. 

My guys :)

Maybe month 6 of Reed's life will be ear infection and surgery free. Here's hopin'...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read that things are going well. He is one handsome little man.

    Rob (the intern)
