Wednesday, January 7, 2015

7 Months

Now that Claire is a week away from being 8 months old (seriously?!?!) it seems to be the perfect time to write her 7 month blog. In my defense, 7 months fell just after Reed's 4th  birthday and just before Christmas. It kind of got lost in the hustle and bustle of December. I believe you all will forgive me.
Here are some bullet points:

  • first Christmas went well
  • she's super close to crawling. seriously...any day now. 
  • she's eating more solids 
  • she's "talking" a bunch more
  • she's still got the best smile and thighs that won't quite
  • she's still super cute and I doubt that this will be changing. 

And she's lucky she's so cute...because she has forgotten how to sleep through the night. The problems started when she was about 6 months old. At first we attributed it to teething. And maybe that's what started it (she has 2 teeth), but now, she won't go back to sleeping for a stretch longer than 4 hours. It's rough.
I reached out to some friends for advice/prayer and one of them who struggled with sleep issues with her own son suggested that we meet with a sleep specialist. They did and within two weeks their son was sleeping 10 hours in a row at night. At this point I can't even imagine....
She gave us the information of the one they met with and you better believe that I called the next day and set up an appointment. I don't mess around with sleep, y'all.
The bad part is that the appointment isn't until mid-February. So, unless Claire miraculously remembers how awesome it is to sleep through the night, we're looking at at least another month of this.
Praise the Lord for coffee.

(pics are in reverse order..newest to oldest..refer above to my lack of sleep, resulting in little energy, making tasks like reorganizing these pics of little importance)

 Group pic as we said "see ya later and good luck" to Tyler who left for LA today. 

 Standing up is one of her favorites right now. 

 Squishy face. 

 Tea party on Christmas morning. 

 Christmas Eve. 

 It's all fun and games until your brother unbuckles you when mom isn't looking and you fall down between the seat and the steering wheel screaming and when your mom asks your brother why he did that he replies "because I wanted to have an adventure." Mission accomplished then. 

7 months. 

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