On my drive into work this morning I was thinking about how my children will live up to the names we've given them. In naming our kids it was important for us to come up with names that honor our families and the people who have come before our kids and influenced either Dane, myself, or us both.
You all know that Reed was named after my mom who's maiden name was Reeds. Now, the name Reed in and of itself doesn't mean anything super special (it was a name used to describe redheads in Old English times and was later used to describe people living in sort of swampy places). But as far as honoring the Reeds family and my mom, I think my Reed is living up to his name. He is passionate and kind. He is thoughtful and curious. He is perceptive and eager to learn. My mom was also many of those traits and I know she would be so proud of him. It makes me smile to talk to him about the amazing woman his name comes from. I hope he will one day be proud of his name.
His middle name is Allen. He was given this name to honor his dad and his grandpa who both share the same middle name. Allen actually means, "handsome." And with his big brown eyes and super long lashes...well it just goes without saying that he's certainly living up to the meaning of that one ;)
Claire is only three months old and so we obviously don't know yet exactly what kind of little person she will become. I've already shared with you the meaning of her name in a previous post. Claire Irene means "clear, bright peace." In a pregnancy fraught with lots of emotion her name did bring us peace. It was a reminder that God was in control of whatever outcome.
But we can see that she is already living up to her name. She has such a bright smile and flashes it around all the time. She is a peaceful baby, fussing rarely and sleeping so well already. It appears as though she may have her dad's laid back temperament.
I hope that my kids will grow up knowing just how much thought we put into their names. I hope they are eager to learn about the people for whom they are named. My mom, my grandma...both women who influenced my life in ways I can't fully express or thank them for. Both strong, faithful women. Women who had a desire to help others and share God's love by doing.
Dane too was influenced greatly by my grandma and how she served others. She was a woman who didn't stop and shared her love (and cookies) freely. And while Dane never knew my mom she has influenced him through me and the kind of wife and mom I aim to be.
Names are something we carry for our entire lives. I've always loved my name. Mallory, original, yet not too crazy...and Catherine, classic and a connection to an aunt I love.
It's funny that Mallory actually means "unlucky" because I do believe I've been blessed greatly.
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