Friday, April 25, 2014

The Final Countdown!

Oh goodness you guys. We will be meeting this little girl so soon!

There isn't much new information to write about regarding her neurological issues. We met with the pediatric neurologist. He was very nice and gave us some good information. On the day after she is born they will conduct an MRI in order to determine if (a) the corpus callosum is entirely absent, partially absent, or not absent at all, and (b) if there are any other abnormalities not detected on the ultrasounds. This gave me some peace. I had images of them taking her from me moments after she was born to perform this test. Luckily we will have some time with her and we will even be able to go with her as they perform the MRI. We learned that she will also have an eye doctor and another kind of doctor (I forgot) check in on her because issues with the corpus callosum could cause problems with the optic nerves and the endocrine system due to their placement in the brain right next to the cc. He told us that aside from the mild ventriculomegaly and possible absence of the cc, her brain looks normal. It has stayed in the normal growth range for brain development and her head size has as well. This is very encouraging and is more evidence that her neurological abnormalities could have little to no affect on her. But, as always, we'll have to wait and see.

She will be evaluated right after birth to determine if she needs to spend any time in the NICU, but the doctors are pretty confident that she won't have to. Dane and I are going to tour the NICU and meet with some nurses there, however, so we can be prepared if she does end up needing to be there for a bit. We will also have one more ultrasound (next week) to check out the brain, head size, and ventricles.

About 3 weeks ago I began weekly monitoring. Every Thursday morning I head to the Mercy Maternal and Fetal Health Center. I have a brief ultrasound done that simply measures the fluid levels around the baby (no looking at the brain) and then I get set up to have the baby's heart monitored. The heart monitoring takes at minimum 20 minutes but could last up to an hour. They are looking for two bursts in activity in which the baby's heart rate is elevated, and remains elevated, for some time. This little girl has no problem meeting this goal. I never have to stay longer than the minimum of 20 minutes. It's actually quite a relaxing time for me and I enjoy getting to just sit and listen to her heartbeat.

She is head down and has been the last couple of visits. I believe I started having some Braxton Hicks contractions the other night and yesterday the nurse told me she picked up a lot of "uterine activity" on the monitor. I asked what that meant and she said it's often a precursor to contractions/labor, but could also indicate other things like needing to use the restroom (which I had just done) or being dehydrated (but I'd had some water and coffee that morning already...). I've had a feeling from the beginning that this girl was going to come early...I just need her to wait a couple of weeks! I start maternity leave on May 12th (just 2 weeks away!) and would appreciate it if she could wait until then.

It' so surreal to think that I will finally get to meet this baby so soon. That I will be a mother of two. That I will have a daughter. That the journey of the past 9 months is about to be over and I will begin another one. I'm at once excited and terrified.

We continue to be so blessed with caring friends and family. With so many loved ones praying for us and our baby girl. I know we aren't the only ones anxious to meet her. I can't wait to tell her how loved she was even before she was born. How so many prayed for her.

No more counting down the months. We're down to weeks...days...until we are holding this little miracle.

Oh sheesh...pray for us!



  1. You're in my prayers too. I know we didn't talk about it much, but I still appreciate how kind and supportive you were in my own challenges with having... or not having... children. I wish you all that love and support and more as you meet this next adventure!
