It makes sense to me to start with the guy who set the standard of what a guy should be in my life. I call him Dad, Daddio, Faja, Pops, (yes, I'm a dork, but that's a discussion for another time). He also goes by Papa to his three sweet grandkids. My dad is super awesome. Here are just a few of the countless reasons why...
- He assigned funny nicknames to me and my brothers when we were young. My older brother was "Bonzi Boy", I was "Baby Cakes", and my little bro was "Moon Doggie " I have no idea where he came up with these names and mine was the only one that stuck.
- He used to be a paramedic so he knows a lot about medical stuff and doesn't freak out if you break your wrist, for instance.
- He attended every swim meet, baseball game, cross country meet, football game, wrestling meet, choir/band concert...well, you get the picture. He was at everything. He was often times the coach of the team, but even when not the official coach, he was our coach.
- Every time I go to his office there are more pictures of his kids and grandkids. He is clearly quite proud of us all.
- He reads for fun.
- One time, I locked the keys to my car/dorm in the trunk of my car after returning to campus from a weekend at home. It was a Sunday night. My dad had to work the next day. I called him, upset and embarrassed. He told me he'd be there in an hour to unlock my car. No complaints. No hard feelings. No guilt trip. He just showed up. He always shows up.
- He loves the Lord and shared that love with his kids and now his grandkids. He is always trying to be the best man of God he can be. He doesn't worry because he has complete peace that the Lord has gone before him and will always meet his needs.
- He loved my mom in the best kind of way.
Now on to Reed's dad and my main squeeze, Dane. Again, I got pretty lucky in the husband/father-of-my-child department.
- Dane is the calm to my worry.
- He is the relaxed to my uptight.
- He is the slightly-less-introverted to my very introverted.
- In many ways he balances me.
- One of the biggest things that Dane does for me is letting me "sleep in" on Saturdays. Ever since we brought Reed home from the hospital, Dane has been the one to get up with him every Saturday morning. I don't know how this started and I don't know why he does it. I get to stay in bed while he gets up around 6 am, makes Reed scrambled eggs, and watches some morning cartoons (usually Caillou, which is yet another sacrifice). I am not bothered to get out of bed until close to 8 am. I have no idea why he gives me this gift (because it truly is a gift) but it's one that I appreciate so very much.
- He makes me laugh. Even when I don't want to.
- He's a good guy to have in your corner.
- He doesn't try to make me be someone I'm not ("he loves me for me" sounds a bit too corny, but is basically what I mean)
- He does the dishes and cleans the bathroom (jealous?)
He's such a great dad, too.
- He is willing to learn and grow as a parent as Reed learns and grows.
- He loves teaching Reed new things and spending time with him outdoors.
- He reads with Reed.
- He gives Reed his bath every night.
- He gets down on the floor with him.
- He loves Reed so much and is sad when he is sad.
- He gets so excited thinking of the adventures they can have together as Reed gets older.
- He prays with Reed and invites Reed to pray.
- He admits when he is wrong and apologizes when necessary.
Reed is a lucky guy to have such a wonderful Daddy...
I could continue writing about all the other great men in our lives but I am afraid I might leave someone out and offend them. Suffice it to say that they are a plenty. We have been richly blessed with examples of self-less, smart, caring, funny, talented, Godly men. I can't even begin to express my thankfulness. Both mine and Reed's lives have been so greatly influenced by a host of these wonderful men. It warms my heart to the core. I wish I had pictures of them all, but here are a few...

Thank you guys for not only investing in my life but in my son's life as well.
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