His 1 year appointment went well. Reed is 21 pounds and 31 & 3/4 inches. He's moved up in his weight percentile to the upper 25th and his height is in the 90th. Tall and skinny, but healthy. The doctor was a little concerned that his legs are still slightly bowed and Reed had another ear infection (surprise!). If Reed gets 2 more this season we'll be seeing an Ear, Nose & Throat guy to talk about tubes. The Dr did recommend a pediatric orthopedic and we saw her this morning. Reed got his first x-rays taken and we got good news. He has some mild bowing, but nothing serious. He is just a little behind in getting them completely straight, but the Dr is confident that they will straighten out on their own and not hinder his development. We'll return in March for them to track his progress. We're just getting to meet all the pediatric specialists at Children's! But I'm thankful that we have such a great hospital so close to us.
I'm happy to report that I have made HUGE improvements with my food fear. Reed is fed almost 100% table food now and I even let him have a cookie now and then. He does a great job chewing and I've made myself relax and trust his eating ability more. It helps to know that when he's at my dad's on Thursdays that he and my grandpa feed him brownies and cookies all day ;) He's just getting so big. He's a toddler now. I can't believe it.
What's going on? Why are you all singing and staring at me?
What are you guys making me eat? This stuff is weird...
So. Freaking. Handsome.
Huh? I fell asleep?
My kid is awesome.
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